Hit Counter

Monday, July 14, 2008


I have been advised that I forgot an important Nacho rule when I compiled the results from last weeks Time Trial event. A number of individuals (including myself) had Personal Best (PB) times which I didn't account for in the Nacho Chip scoring totals. The rule is as follows:
Five chips: Nachoooooooooooooooo! You beat your previous best time in a time trial event.
I have added two columns to the spreadsheet that will indicate 5 points if you beat your previous best time in any of the time trial events.
A new rule has been added (that was discussed and approved at the most recent Nacho Team Management meeting) stating that "if someone tanks and has a time slower than the group below them, they only get 1 participation point regardless of how they place within their group".
This week this rule will apply to Onstar David.
As Phil Liggett would say in his british accent "Paul, there has been quite a sorting out of the riders today". We now have a three way tie for the lead in Total Nacho Chips - keep up the great riding and running!

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