Congrats all the Nacho Team members who participated in this past weekends' Triathlon in Huntsville. It was a great showing by the Nacho team, and great results in this early season race.
I had a great time at my first race, and am officially hooked on the sport. Thanks to Steve for providing Nacho Support on my virgin voyage. I attribute my quick transition times to him.
As some of you may or may not have heard, when I returned to the transition zone after my race, my wetsuit was nowhere to be found. I was a bit miffed, as it was only the second time I'd even worn the damn thing. I spoke to many fellow athletes and none of them had ever heard of anything getting stolen from the transition zone. Of course there are a trillion "sleeveless Nineteen pipeline wetsuits" out there, so it was feaseable that someone took it by accident, but I thought that there would be one left.
Turns out a friend of mine returned later that evening to check out the exhibits, and low and behold there was a lone wetsuit identical to the one that I had. Not sure what happened, but I'm just glad to have it back.
Next stop Peterborough Sprint!
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